
We want perimenopausal women to feel respected and in community with other women going through this physical and psychological life change. We are invested in making this formerly ‘hush hush’ subject more comfortable and compelling for women like us to discuss.

Join us and connect with others for a playful romp through this powerful and not so funny journey

How Did This Book Come About?

Who says that menopause is no laughing matter? After skimming most of the available menopause materials, we’ve decided that this is a topic that needs some serious lightening up.

Period Peace contains no scary information about terrible mid-life diseases, nasty bodily changes, or expensive remedies (those can be found in many other books). Instead, we’ve decided to focus on some of the fun activities of our youth including, word scrambles, mazes, crossword puzzles, mad-libs, and more, with a distinctly mature menopausal twist.

Don’t think this is all just fun and games because here you will find important Female Facts and Tips to help you navigate through menopause on the more peaceful side.


Blue Flower

Row of Stars

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