Memory Issues

10 Menopausal Memory Improving Tips

by betsyr on January 19, 2012

As we move through middle age and transition over to the menopausal side of things, our memories can take a hit. The whereabouts of the keys, the scheduled but forgotten appointments, the reason we went downstairs—all seem to defeat us at times. Here are 10 practical Memory Tips to help make remembering a little bit […]

I Had A Little Hot Flash

by betsyr on December 23, 2011

Sung to the tune of “I Had a Little Dreidel” I had a little hot flash, The seventh one today My clothes are soaked, I’m shvitzy, And now I’m cold, Oy vey! Oh weight gain, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue and itchy feet, I can’t light the menorah ‘cause the candles give off heat. I […]